Friday, October 18, 2013

Depth, Breadth and Nothingness

This post expands on an earlier post.

In this post I simply want to make a distinction between depth, breadth and nothingness, as discovered from my daily adventures in the information universe.

I have recently discovered that reading a book allows me to focus on a topic - to achieve a level of depth. There are no embedded links to lead me astray into the vast reaches of the information universe. I am simply free to wander through a finite garden and taste of its seasonal fruits.

I have also discovered that the internet gives me access to so much. What an amazing resource! I can learn about anything, any time, from any number of sources. The potential seems limitless. Surely this will lead to great things.

Unfortunately, having all this at my disposal yields limited results for the most part.

I buy books compulsively - my bookshelves are packed with highly interesting reads, which I'm sure could help me in all areas of life. If only I would read them.

I also end up scanning the internet, using constant, full-on tabsplosions to explore the ins and out of a bazillion different topics, websites, and ideas. I bounce from one thing to the next, with the assumption that I am learning, filling my mind with all sorts of new information. With every click I am closer to realising my full potential as a smart, informed, skilled person, with all the knowledge I'll ever need in life!

But by the end, I can barely remember a thing, and my day is almost over. I don't feel enriched, I don't feel the joy of having wrestled with a problem and solved it, and I don't feel like I took control over my day. Essentially, I feel like I have gained very little ground. Compared to what I could have achieved, it feels like nothing.

Challenge for self: fix this!

How? Well, I could try and:
  • Make a list of things I want to achieve and learn about (this year, this month, week, etc.)
  • Identify books/websites that will help with each area
  • Plan the day/week/month - what will I do/research when?
  • Proceed!
  • Also, close ALL tabs at the end of each day - don't reopen them again the next day
  • And, schedule in time for nothingness - a small amount each day is still important!

What would you add to the list?